“My grandfather, LeRoy Clark, originally designed a roasting auger for his row-crop and hog operation in the early 1970’s. He raised corn and soybeans and was able to feed his farm-raised and roasted grains to his hogs to lower his feeding costs and add value to his row-crops. LeRoy’s son, Fred Clark, further improved the design and built his own roaster in 1998 to produce roasted soybeans for his family’s poultry operation...”
- Silas Clark (LeRoy's Grandson)
Redjacket Co-Founder, Engineer, & Manufacturer.
Farm Show Magazine article from 2018 - https://www.farmshow.com/a_article.php?aid=34210
Office Manager
Name | State | Phone | |
Dennis Jakobi | WI | 715.613.4447 | jakobitd@hotmail.com |
Brant Graham | MI | 616.403.0944 | brant.graham@unitedanh.com |
Ed Strathman | MO | 660.341.3180 | estrathman@gmail.com |
Terry Osborn | MO | tnoz@aol.com | |
Steve Carlson | TX | 806.418.1445 | slcnkdc@gmail.com |
Carson McMullen | KS | 785.303.0220 | cjmcksu@gmail.com |
Mose Stolzfus | PA | 717.656.9576 | mose@auntbarbies.com |
Linford Hurst | MO | 660.441.1488 | lindford.blackwater@daystar.io |
Charles Stodden | IL | 217.294.1054 | sales@commoditytraders.biz |
Shad Kleiner | IL | 618.304.2719 | shadkliener@hotmail.com |
Ryan Kincaid | AR | 501.690.9136 | kincaid@kingoffreight.com |
Kayla Kosicki | PA | 717.514.3752 | kkosicki@tamsystems.com |
All Rights Reserved
Redjacket Roasters by Clark Farm Products LLC.